Monday, July 7, 2008

First Full Day of Camp is off and running.

After a good night of rest (for some) and some long nights of conversation (for others), we have begun our first full day of camp. After enjoying a delicious pancake and sausage breakfast, we began our first day of bible class. The Theme of this week is “God Is My Judge: Stories from the Book of Daniel.” Day 1 begins with discussing, “What is my Babylon?”. Babylon was a city of significant influence in it’s day, even to the point that when the Israelites were taken to captivity in Babylon, the king took only the best looking and most educated of the people of God into his service. Daniel and his friends were taken into the king’s service, but refused to allow Babylon to tell them who they were. The ideas and influence of Babylon remain even to this day, particularly in the world that these campers are growing up in. Today we examine our hearts to see, what is my Babylon, what holds influence over me from this world, and will I listen to the world or to the living God?

Bible Study - Cabin Small Group


Anonymous said...

Praying God's blessings on each and every one of you and that you will be filled with God's spirit.
We also pray for your safety and that God will move in the life of each person there and that each of you will leave refreshed and renewed in the love of the Lord. We also pray that for those who have not committed their lives to God yet and are in need of feeling his presence in their lives that they will receive this with open hearts and give their lives to Him.
Lots of love in the Lord,
Joyce and Chris Cosby

plove said...

How awesome to be able to see these kids with their Bibles open learning of God!!!! What sweet expressions on their faces!! Thanks for sharing with us at home! I am praying for all there!
Keep the picts coming.

Love, Penny

Anonymous said...

hey clint i love this blog and to see me and all the other campers learning of god plz continue this next year thanx love
Courtney Hinton