Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Campers enjoy fun in the sun on Day 2

After a full day of activities yesterday, culminating in a visit to the pool and worship together in the Mess Hall, our campers got a good night’s sleep in preparation for today. They awoke tired, but excited about all the day had in store. The day has been extremely hot, but we are headed back to the pool tonight for some cool summer fun with our Olympics theme. We also had our first round of Sweetheart Kickball today for the younger campers, while the older campers hiked to the bottom of Fall Creek Falls.

Today’s bible lesson covered “Who am I: God has ultimate authority over my destiny.” We learned about the names that Babylon gave Daniel and his friends, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah. We learned that although their Hebrew names pointed to our living God, Babylon tried to turn them from their belief in this God by giving them new names that reflected their gods and their culture. We also studied about the dream of Nebuchadnezzar, how none of his magicians and sorcerers could tell him the dream and were to be put to death. But Daniel, through the power of “God in heaven who reveals mysteries (Ch. 2, v. 28)” was able to tell them king his dream and also the meaning of the dream. God would allow 4 kingdoms, including Nebuchadnezzar’s, but a greater kingdom was coming that would crush all of these kingdoms and would endure forever. God tells us that, no matter what name Babylon may give us, we are His.

“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” - I John 3:1

2 - Athletics

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