Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Wednesday - A Day for Worship

As we began day three, we awoke to a thunderstorm and shower that lasted for abgod out an hour around 7 AM. Luckily, Wednesday's schedule was for a sleep in day, so we did not have to be up for breakfast until 8:45 AM. By that time the weather had cleared and the sunshine was out for a beautiful start to the morning. The older campers spent the afternoon playing there Sweetheart Kickball games and having lots of fun with that. The younger campers were schedule to hike the "Cable Hike" to the bottom of Cane Creek Falls, but the threat of some more rain changed plans. Instead, we visited Buzzard's Roost where the kids got to enjoy the beautiful scenery (which can be seen below) reminded the kids of the majesty of the Creator of all things. These younger campers were then regaled with a "One Word Story" by our counselors and athletics staff. Great fun was had throughout the hike, without any sign of rain while we were there.

Today's Bible lesson covered Daniel Chapter 3, with the theme "Made to Worship: God alone has captured my worship." The campers heard the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego being thrown into the fiery furnace by King Nebuchadnezzar. They were reminded that we are all made to worship and that we will worship something. They got to see a video collage of Michael Jackson that shows how some people have such a distorted view of what they are to worship in life. They then learned how Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to give in when Babylon told them what they had to worship. They learned that sometimes in our lives God will deliver us from the fire, sometimes (as did these three men) He delivers us through the fire, and sometimes he delivers us by the fire into His loving arms, but He will always save us if we are obedient to Him.

Wednesday Evening Entertainment

Sweetheart Kickball - Older Campers

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