Saturday, July 5, 2008

Eagerly Awaiting Camper Arrivals

As day ends here, preparations are nearing completion at Group Camp One at Fall Creek Falls State Park. Most of the staff has already arrived and the rest are expected late tonight or early tomorrow morning. We are so excited about our campers coming up tomorrow evening. We found the campground in excellent working order, with little need for additional preparation to get things ready for camp. Bathhouses have been cleaned, cabins swept, ball fields mowed, and food delivered. Danny has arrived and is continuing his intense study of God’s Word to bring great lessons from the book of Daniel. Our counselors will be praying over each camper as we spend time in our devotional later this evening.

We want to show you a little piece of the majesty of God’s splendor as you prepare for your arrival at camp. We know that all of you campers are giddy with excitement about what will happen next week. Which cabin will I be in? Who will be my counselor? What ball team will I be on (and will we win)? How many bats will be in my cabin? (Okay, so maybe you aren’t excited about that last one.) Spend time preparing your hearts tonight and on your journey tomorrow. Please pray for your counselors and the rest of our staff, that they will be strong Christian examples and have lots of fun with us through the week. Be safe as you make your way here. We are eagerly anticipating your arrival and have great things in store for the week. In Christ!!!


Anonymous said...

Have a great week!! God will surely be in your midst doing amazing things!! Don't blink; you might miss it. This will truly be a memory you will treasure for the rest of your life.

Love, Libby Parnell

pbarba said...

I am praying the Lord will heap His blessings on everyone this week.

To Him be the glory in Christ Jesus!

Mama Beaird