Saturday, July 12, 2008

A Wonderful Ending to an Excellent Week of Camp

Camp has come to a close for another year and we now look back on wonderful memories of fun, friendship, and God's family sharing together as the Body of Christ. The family has added 7 new brothers and sisters in the last day and another will be demonstrating her commitment to our Lord and Savior in the morning. What a blessed night we were able to share together at the baptisms last night!!!! God provided us with such a peaceful, beautiful, and awe-inspiring setting to witness these young people giving their lives over in death to Him.

Tomorrow we will have the opportunity to bless all of our church family with the messages that we learned throughout this week. We will get to share with them the joy we had in praising and worshiping the Father, shedding the bondage that Babylon wants to burden us with, restoring our names and remembering we are a Holy creation of the Living God, and learning how to "DARE TO BE A DANIEL."

See you all in the morning. In the meantime, catch up on some much needed rest, some even more needed showers (for most), and time sharing and reminiscing with each other and your families about the amazing week we had together.

Championship Athletics

Formal Dinner - Oldest Campers

Camp Videos

I will be uploading all of the camp videos to Youtube and will be posting a link here on the blog as soon as possible.

I will create a Youtube channel so that all of the videos will be in one place.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Last Day of Camp Begins...

Friday kicked off with another day to sleep in for some extra rest before a long final night of camp. We have been having so much fun up here in the hot sun today. Due to the championship games in our athletics time tonight and the completion of our craft projects yesterday, camp activities for the day have been changed a bit. Both younger and older campers got to play games of kickball and wiffleball at the ballfields during their morning activities time. The younger campers got the opportunity to take the "Cable Hike" after lunch today and had a lot of fun at the bottom of Cane Creek Falls. Our older campers took a trip over to the Cascades, which are at the top of Cane Creek Falls, to spend some time cooling off in the water and have a good time together rest and relaxing. Athletics championships will begin tonight following dinner, then we will be treated to our exciting "Camp Awards Show". At dinner, the oldest campers counselors have prepared a special formal dinner for them to share a final meal together as oldest campers.

The highlight of the day will be our baptisms tonight at the park swimming hole. A different venue for these baptisms has been selected for several reasons, but this will be a special night at a neat location. No matter the location, though, the angels will be singing and rejoicing at lives committed to Christ Jesus, and we will join in their singing and praise. Today's bible class covered "Keeping the Windows Open: Praying to the One who has power over all things." We discussed the story of Daniel in the lion's den, how King Darius was deceived into having to place Daniel into a dangerous situation. We talked about how our response to urgent situations can be to either panic, become paralyzed, or pray. With prayer comes power, particularly when we speak out the Word against the lion who Peter says is "prowls around ... looking for someone to devour (I Peter 5:8)." We need practical ways to keep this enemy at bay and we discussed these practical things in our small group times. The final encouragement that our campers were left with is a simple expression of how they can overcome this enemy as they return home to whatever Babylon may throw at them: "DARE TO BE A DANIEL."

Younger Camper Cable Hike

Crafts - Camper Made Quilt

Bible Posters

Bible Classes

A Long Thursday

Thursday was a fairly long day this year at camp. We returned to our typical schedule, waking in time for breakfast just after 7 AM. Activities throughout the day included a second round of Sweetheart Kickball for the younger campers, while the older campers went on the "Cable Hike." About midday, the rain that we had dodged for several days finally made it's way to Group Camp 1. Though a huge wiffleball tournament had been planned for our campers by the athletics staff, the rainfall put us about 30 minutes behind schedule. We did get to have some fun playing wiffleball together as cabins, but the tournament had to be cut short, along with canceling our planned "Home Run Derby." The campers also got the opportunity last night to have one final trip to the swimming pool. Campers competed in young and old groups in "The Statue" contest, Hula Hoop Contest, and Limbo as we enjoyed our beach night theme. We also got a special treat with pizza being delivered by our kitchen staff (with the help of the Fall Creek Falls Snack Shop) at the end of our time together at the pool.

The highlight of the day, however, occurred in the morning immediately following bible classes. 5 of our campers and 3 of our staff members decided to give their lives to Christ this week and we got the opportunity to talk about this decision and prepare for their baptisms. Tomorrow night we will have 7 baptisms here at Fall Creek Falls, with at least one more baptism following on the Sunday morning back at church. Our bible classes covered the topic of "Treating the Holy as Unholy: God has made me Holy in Jesus Christ for His Purposes." We studied the story of King Belshazzar and the handwriting on the walls after he used the cups that had been consecrated and made holy from the temple of the living God. We studied how Belshazzar's mistreatment of what God had made holy led to his destruction. We also talked about the path that our mistreatment of what God has made holy can lead us down. God has made us a new creation by the blood of Jesus Christ, has cleansed us from all sin, and made us a holy people in His eyes. No matter how Satan tries to deceive us to believe we are not holy, this is a lie. We are the people of the living God and must live our lives in Him as His holy creation.

(Sorry we weren't able to post anything on Thursday. Like is written above, it was a really long day. Hope you enjoy the additions for Thursday and Friday.)

Older Camper Crafts

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Wednesday - A Day for Worship

As we began day three, we awoke to a thunderstorm and shower that lasted for abgod out an hour around 7 AM. Luckily, Wednesday's schedule was for a sleep in day, so we did not have to be up for breakfast until 8:45 AM. By that time the weather had cleared and the sunshine was out for a beautiful start to the morning. The older campers spent the afternoon playing there Sweetheart Kickball games and having lots of fun with that. The younger campers were schedule to hike the "Cable Hike" to the bottom of Cane Creek Falls, but the threat of some more rain changed plans. Instead, we visited Buzzard's Roost where the kids got to enjoy the beautiful scenery (which can be seen below) reminded the kids of the majesty of the Creator of all things. These younger campers were then regaled with a "One Word Story" by our counselors and athletics staff. Great fun was had throughout the hike, without any sign of rain while we were there.

Today's Bible lesson covered Daniel Chapter 3, with the theme "Made to Worship: God alone has captured my worship." The campers heard the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego being thrown into the fiery furnace by King Nebuchadnezzar. They were reminded that we are all made to worship and that we will worship something. They got to see a video collage of Michael Jackson that shows how some people have such a distorted view of what they are to worship in life. They then learned how Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to give in when Babylon told them what they had to worship. They learned that sometimes in our lives God will deliver us from the fire, sometimes (as did these three men) He delivers us through the fire, and sometimes he delivers us by the fire into His loving arms, but He will always save us if we are obedient to Him.

Wednesday Evening Entertainment

Sweetheart Kickball - Older Campers

Buzzard's Roost & Milliken's Overlook

Bible Classes & Morning Worship

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Campers enjoy fun in the sun on Day 2

After a full day of activities yesterday, culminating in a visit to the pool and worship together in the Mess Hall, our campers got a good night’s sleep in preparation for today. They awoke tired, but excited about all the day had in store. The day has been extremely hot, but we are headed back to the pool tonight for some cool summer fun with our Olympics theme. We also had our first round of Sweetheart Kickball today for the younger campers, while the older campers hiked to the bottom of Fall Creek Falls.

Today’s bible lesson covered “Who am I: God has ultimate authority over my destiny.” We learned about the names that Babylon gave Daniel and his friends, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah. We learned that although their Hebrew names pointed to our living God, Babylon tried to turn them from their belief in this God by giving them new names that reflected their gods and their culture. We also studied about the dream of Nebuchadnezzar, how none of his magicians and sorcerers could tell him the dream and were to be put to death. But Daniel, through the power of “God in heaven who reveals mysteries (Ch. 2, v. 28)” was able to tell them king his dream and also the meaning of the dream. God would allow 4 kingdoms, including Nebuchadnezzar’s, but a greater kingdom was coming that would crush all of these kingdoms and would endure forever. God tells us that, no matter what name Babylon may give us, we are His.

“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” - I John 3:1

2 - Athletics

Day 1 - Athletics

Sweetheart Kickball - Younger Campers


Crafts & Such

Monday Evening Entertainment

Fall Creek Falls - Younger Campers

Monday, July 7, 2008

First Full Day of Camp is off and running.

After a good night of rest (for some) and some long nights of conversation (for others), we have begun our first full day of camp. After enjoying a delicious pancake and sausage breakfast, we began our first day of bible class. The Theme of this week is “God Is My Judge: Stories from the Book of Daniel.” Day 1 begins with discussing, “What is my Babylon?”. Babylon was a city of significant influence in it’s day, even to the point that when the Israelites were taken to captivity in Babylon, the king took only the best looking and most educated of the people of God into his service. Daniel and his friends were taken into the king’s service, but refused to allow Babylon to tell them who they were. The ideas and influence of Babylon remain even to this day, particularly in the world that these campers are growing up in. Today we examine our hearts to see, what is my Babylon, what holds influence over me from this world, and will I listen to the world or to the living God?

Bible Study - Cabin Small Group


O, what an amazing first night of church camp we had!!! We had an excellent orientation time and worship, then were treated to a powerful skit by our troupe of talented craft men. We followed all of this with the craziness that is Midgett’s Madness, where our campers played relay games to get the energy and excitement flowing through the remainder of the first night. The Tennessee Volunteers relay team came in first place, but all of the teams were extremely close. Following Midgett’s Madness, we returned to the Mess Hall for canteen and entertainment. We competed by cabins in a “Get To Know You” Scavenger Hunt, then were treated to a video on the Do’s & Don’ts of Camp (You can all view the video just below on this page). Needless to say the video was hilarious and now all of our campers an indoctrinated in the rules of camp. We are having a blast up here. Hope you enjoy all of the pictures. Please leave us your comments and we’ll do our best to relay those messages to our campers. We’ll post more news and photos later tonight.

Orientation & Welcome


Midgett's Madness

Sunday, July 6, 2008

2008 Guide to Camp Video

The do's and dont's of camp... actually just the dont's.

Camp is Ready!!!!!!!

T-Minus 3 hours until campers begin to arrive. The time draws nearer and nearer with our anticipation growing every minute. All of the camp is setup and ready for our campers to enjoy. We have one final staff meeting, followed by a big lunch, then our counselors will take there places to greet each camper and their family as they arrive. Our worship time to kick off camp should be phenomenal. Then off to Midgett's Madness and the start of a great week. We will post pictures later tonight from Midgett's Madness!!! Can't wait until you all get here!!!

Camp Setup Weekend Pics

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Eagerly Awaiting Camper Arrivals

As day ends here, preparations are nearing completion at Group Camp One at Fall Creek Falls State Park. Most of the staff has already arrived and the rest are expected late tonight or early tomorrow morning. We are so excited about our campers coming up tomorrow evening. We found the campground in excellent working order, with little need for additional preparation to get things ready for camp. Bathhouses have been cleaned, cabins swept, ball fields mowed, and food delivered. Danny has arrived and is continuing his intense study of God’s Word to bring great lessons from the book of Daniel. Our counselors will be praying over each camper as we spend time in our devotional later this evening.

We want to show you a little piece of the majesty of God’s splendor as you prepare for your arrival at camp. We know that all of you campers are giddy with excitement about what will happen next week. Which cabin will I be in? Who will be my counselor? What ball team will I be on (and will we win)? How many bats will be in my cabin? (Okay, so maybe you aren’t excited about that last one.) Spend time preparing your hearts tonight and on your journey tomorrow. Please pray for your counselors and the rest of our staff, that they will be strong Christian examples and have lots of fun with us through the week. Be safe as you make your way here. We are eagerly anticipating your arrival and have great things in store for the week. In Christ!!!

The Roost

Thursday, July 3, 2008

It's almost time!!!

Hello Parents, Campers, and Friends!!! As you are all so keenly aware, camp is approaching amazingly fast. It will be here in no time and the camp staff is so excited about the campers impending arrival. Setup of the grounds will begin tomorrow, along with delivery of our food for the week and clean-up of cabins and the camp grounds as a whole. This will continue throughout the day on Saturday as the entire staff begins to arrive for a time of work and preparing our hearts and minds for the journey God has in store for us next week.
  • To the campers, know that countless hours have already been spent in prayer, preparation, and planning for where God is moving in your hearts.
  • To the parents, we know that your trust in us is tremendous and we pray that your hearts and your family will be touched by the work God does in the lives of your children next week.
  • To all of our camp friends, thank you for your prayers already for our safety, fun, and God's blessing over all parts of our 2008 youth camp.
More updates to come, but in the meantime, please pray for the hearts, minds, and (definitely needed) strength of our staff as we prepare for the arrival of our campers on Sunday afternoon. It's going to be an amazing week. Enjoy the holiday and we'll see you all in a few days!!!!!!!